Friday, 27 June 2014

Suits You - Vicky @ The Curved Opinion

We all get stuck in a bit of a fashion rut from time to time. Personally I have found myself hopping back and forth between skater dresses and 50s style dresses with not much else in between. The gorgeous Leah over at 30 Something Curvy Me came up with a great idea that a few bloggers come together once a month and create an outfit for someone else. This is such a great challenge and I'm just as excited to find out how other bloggers would style me as I am picking outfits for the other ladies taking part.

For our first months challenge, I was asked to style the fabulous Vicky at The Curved Opinion.

I love her sense of style already. She doesn't shy away from bright colours and has a taste for bold patterns. From looking at her blog, red seems to be a choice colour in her wardrobe so I used that as a guide to help me pick her outfit.

I found this Bookstore Browsing Dress on Modcloth and instantly thought of Vicki. If anyone can pull this dress off with ease, it's her. It's bold, it's a great shape and it's got red on it. (Shaun of the Dead comments welcome.)

These shoes from Office and this necklace and earring set would look fab with this dress and I think they would bring out the red in the dress.

I hope you like what I've chosen, Vicky!

Please take a look at the other ladies in the challenge and see who they've styled this month:


  1. I ADORE THIS DRESS! And it's THE most perfect dress for Vicky, I love how you've styled it too. I wonder if she's seen it yet...if I were Vicky I would be buying it straight up! :) x

    1. Aw yay! Thanks! If only modcloth had uk distro I might have had a cheeky purchase myself, its a fab dress! xo

  2. Oh my gosh This outfit is mega cute and very Vicky. Loving this challenge xx

    1. This is probably one of my favourite challenges in the history of always. Its so much fun window shopping for other people! xo

  3. I love the colour combo with the red - Vicky would look amazing in this :) :) xx

    1. Vicky could pull off pretty much anything I think, but she definitely looks fab with a splash (or oodles) of red. xo

  4. This outfit is amazing, and after meeting Vicky in person I can see her wearing so much, well done x

  5. WOW!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS - so much love for this combination :D x

  6. Yesss! So glad you like! I'm such a worrier I think I'm going to spend most of the challenge fretting over offending someone haha xo

  7. Great selection. I can see Vicky wearing this outfit x
