Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

I planned a Halloween blog post for today. I was going to tell you all about my spooky nails, make up, costumes and pumpkin shortbread. Thanks to a clumsy fall and torn ligaments in my foot and ankle, I didn't finish my nails, wear any makeup or make shortbread. 

So in lieu of a proper Halloween post here is a terrifying picture of me with a pumpkin on my head.

Of course there's one thing that comes from laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself and that is comfort shopping! So in the next week or so you will see posts about a jewellery haul from Love From Misbehave! and some new purchases from Evans, George at Asda and New Look.

Happy Halloween xx


  1. Fab photo! Looking forward to more posts from you :0)

    1. Thank you! For the comment and the support :) x
