Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Guilty Pleasures - Video

The ever awesome Miss Kitty Kaos from Adventures of a Riot Grrrl is doing a 'Blog Every Day In May' challenge this month. Hats off to her, I don't think I have the blogging power to manage even half that!

As part of her challenge she completed a tag video on YouTube about guilty pleasures. And the cheeky moo only went and tagged me! Luckily I had a few moments to spare this morning so I put together a quick video.

Take a look and see what I consider to be my Guilty Pleasures!

I'm hoping to do more Youtube stuff in future and would love to know if you think I should keep the non-plus size, non-fashiony bits (like this video for example) separate from the blog or if you'd like to see me combine the two. What do you think?


  1. I LOVE your accent, could listen to you read the phone book! xxx

    1. Haha thanks lovely! Didn't realise I had an accent :D xxx

  2. I love your accent too haha. This is a cool idea though xxx

    1. It's so weird I never considered that I have an accent haha. Thanks hun xxx

  3. Ahahahhaha I love some Ben and Jerrys too! x

  4. Oh yes, that reminds me, I need to do mine as I have forgot. I will do mine later today actually!!! :D I love hearing your voice. :) xx
