Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Tiny Takeover: Outfit 5

Day 5 of Tiny Takeover and we are feeling blue, folks. Tiny decided that this outfit needed to be colour coordinated.

I actually kind of like it!

I'm totally digging the boots/dress combo. Maybe not for everyday but it's kinda cool!

Unfortunately the tights are too small and rolled down in minutes, even with my pants on the outside. But I felt like a superhero so it's totally okay.

I'm impressed that Tiny has gone from crazy print clashes to this level of colour matching. I'm looking forward to seeing if this carries on to tomorrow.


  1. It's fascinating to see the progression in his ideas

    1. This was a one off i think hah! Its been fun though x

  2. I'm loving this series - will you do it again? Something else - like Tiny Takeover dinners or Tiny Takeover nail polshes.... I love it :) X

    1. Thanks lovely! I haven't thought that far ahead... it would be fun though! Maybe not dinners or else I'll find myself eating nuggets and chips for a week haha xx

  3. I love the dress you look amazing ! Where the dress from ?

    1. Thanks hun! Its from the Look collection at Simply Be x

  4. This is a killer outfit and goes so well. Move over Gok wan. Totally get the tights in a bigger size?xx
