I knew from the second I read the topic for OMCZ 22 that I'd struggle a bit. The topic is work wear but I don't work. I have no clothes that I'd consider work clothes as I instantly think to office attire and I've not stepped foot in an office since I went on maternity leave over 2.5 years ago.
However who's to say what I do isn't work? I'm a stay at home mum. I may not get paid but I am on call 24/7. This week alone I have spent three sleepless nights being a nurse, a comforter and an entertainer to three children who have been unwell, unable to sleep and in need of cuddles and distractions. All the while I have been unwell but unable to rest because I cannot (and will not) let them down. It's a harder job than the call centre I used to sit at taking abuse for 8 hours a day. It's more emotionally draining than the ambulance job I had before that. So it is work. Hard work. And I love it! So I'm going to show you some of my "work" wear.
I start my day between 4 and 6am. And for the first couple of hours I wear nothing. These little guys don't judge!
I can put on whatever I fancy. Clashing prints? Who cares! Antlers? Why not!
Dress and leggings: Everything5Pounds
Antlers: Wilkos
And sometimes my little toddler picks stuff out for me. In Asda on monday he picked me out some socks. How can I say no?
So there you go. Its not officey but a glimpse into what I have worn this week while working my bottom off to be the best mummy I know how.
I hope the other #OMCZ girls can give you more work related inspiration than I did:
Stephanie http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Leah http://www.justmeleah.blogspot.co.uk
Mary http://www.marysbigcloset.blogspot.pt
Becky Brown http://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com
Rachel http://www.adressisforlife.com/
Natalie http://awheelbarrowfullofstyle.blogspot.co.uk/
Nikki http://www.nattynikki.blogspot.co.uk/
Rebs http://sullen-hearts.blogspot.co.uk/
Verena http://aplussizefashionobsession.blogspot.de/
Beka bekasstuffystuff.blogspot.com
Rebecca http://theplussideofme.com
Hollie Http://www.prettybigbutterflies.com
Sabina http://www.femmefatalexsabina.blogspot.de/
Betty http://www.bigfatbetty.com/
Katt http://acurvycupcake.blogspot.co.uk/
Mookie http://muki7x7.blogspot.co.uk/
Erin http://erinslittlebigcorner.blogspot.co.uk/
Debz http://www.wannabeprincess.co.uk/